Firewatch - A tragic tale of isolation and mental illness
Walking simulators are an interesting genre that have only recently appeared in gaming. These games feature very little gameplay, feeling more akin to an interactive film with exploration elements. They mainly exist to provide the player with a story, the only gameplay provided is the ability to walk through the crafted world and experience relationships in a more connected way due to their direct involvement in the story, occasionally designers provide the player with choices to make, which offers abilities for the player to connect with the story in a deeper way than simply walking through a story. Games that come to mind are Gone Home, The Stanley Parable, the static speaks my name, The Beginner’s Guide and SOMA. The newest game from Campo Santo Firewatch, which is available on PlayStation 4, Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows, is another entry into the walking-simulator genre, but it offers a beautiful world and an intriguing story with powerful themes that make it great enough to be a contender for game of the year.
Henry (voiced by Richard Sommer) takes a job working in the Shoshone National Forest as a fire lookout shortly after the Yellowstone fires of 1988, he takes the job to relax during a brief hiccup in his marriage. The only person in the wilderness he has to converse with is his supervisor Delilah (voiced by Cissy Jones), the two of them form a friendship while talking over radios and help each other cope with the isolation. After Henry’s first day his lookout tower is broken into and ransacked. As he explores the forest during the summer he and Delilah begin to uncover a mystery, two girls camping in the forest vanished the same night Henry’s cabin was ransacked, and someone is spying on Delilah and Henry, recording their conversations, and they aren’t sure why.
All of Firewatch’s entertainment comes out of its well-crafted story, which tackles multiple themes and handles a really intriguing mystery filled with several twists. Themes of alcoholism, infidelity, father and son relationships, human’s connection to nature, mental illness, and the difficulties of marriage are all present in Firewatch’s brilliant, multi-faceted mystery. These themes and the game’s opinions on these themes all land perfectly thanks to the amazing voice-acting from Richard Sommer and Cissy Jones. The dialogue between the two is filled with heart-wrenching emotion, perfectly conveying shock, anger, sadness, heartbreak, and disappointment with no facial animations to help drive home their opinions. While the mystery is engaging and, at times, very shocking, it doesn’t land perfectly. The reveal at the end of the game is a good ending in retrospect, but it doesn’t seem to match the general progression of the two main character’s assumptions. The ending will leave the player scratching their head, wondering where the journey was going in the first place. Yet, this isn’t a quip because the ending being smaller than the original conspiracy is somewhat profound, and the reveal doesn’t make the journey any less exciting or intriguing.
The gameplay is lacking, but games have involved to incorporate hundreds of genres. Is the game very close to an interactive film, yes, but that doesn’t make it any less thought-provoking or fun to play. The only real concern I have is that the price point of the game will not justify its short length. In my opinion, I got what I paid for, but many gamers might be upset with the cost of the game. Although, gamers being upset with game cost is not anything new.